****** SPOILERS ********

Phase 1
There are 3 Different Codes on the Badge

Code 1 - (ops, its backwards) Read Right to Left
-... .- -.. --. . .--. .. .-. .- - . ... .-- . -... ... .. - .

Code 2
1. Participant Badge - QmFkZ2VWZXJzaW9uTnVtYmVyMQ==
2. Volunteer/Organizer Badge - QmFkZ2VWZXJzaW9uTnVtYmVySUk=
3. Speaker/Sponsor Badge - QmFkZ2VWZXJzaW9uTnVtYmVyVHJlcw==

Code 3
1. Participant Badge - 01001110 01101111 01110111 01010100 01101000 01100001 01110100
2. Volunteer/Organizer Badge - 01010111 01100001 01110011 01001110 01101111 01110100
3. Speaker/Sponsor Badge - 01001000 01100001 01110010 01100100 . 01101000 01110100 01101101

Phase 1 Answers

Code 1 is morse code and says "BadgePiratesWebsite"
Code 2 is Base64 (And give you the order you will need for Code 3)
1. Participant Badge - "BadgeVersionNumber1"
2. Volunteer/Organizer Badge - "BadgeVersionNumberII"
3. Speaker/Sponsor Badge - "BadgeVersionNumberTres"
Code 3 is Binary
1. Participant Badge - NowThat
2. Volunteer/Organizer Badge - WasNot
3. Speaker/Sponsor Badge - Hard.htm

Code 3 combined links to NowThatWasNotHard.htm
using the hit in Code 1, you should have gotten "badgepirates.com/NowThatWasNotHard.htm"

Phase 2 - from above at "badgepirates.com/NowThatWasNotHard.htm"
The Image of an Easy Button was there along with the text "Well, yeah. that was pretty easy"

Phase 2 answers
Hidden within the source is the following Text - "but is it that easy? that can't be it can it? BadgePirates would make it harder wouldn't they?
maybe they didn't have enough time to put into it."
Knowing we would not make it that easy your next step is to check Steganography on the image, you can use - https://stylesuxx.github.io/steganography/
EasyButton.png is Steganography with following link https://cryptochallenges.com/ozsec21phase3.html

Phase 3 - Link to https://cryptochallenges.com/ozsec21phase3.html
This will lead you to a Choose your own adventure Game

Phase 3 answer

The game ends and you win by getting to the Cabin without dieing, You find a note that says:
Gone to OzSec21, But if you see the BadgePirates while at the Con Stop by and Say "Hello, I was at your cabin"
The First one to speak to us gets a special badge. Now Get Back to the Con, you are probably missing some good talks - fg

Participant Black Badge